How To Get Your Students Registered In Course


Last Update 12 hours ago

After students purchase a course through your checkout page, they will receive a payment confirmation email and be redirected to the next step in your funnel.

To ensure they can register for the course, follow these steps:

1. Create a Button on the Thank You Page

On your thank you page (the page students see after completing their purchase), add a button that links to your course registration page. This will guide students to register for the course.

2. Retrieve Your Course Registration Page Link

To find the link to your course registration page:

Step 1: Go to your Limefunnels dashboard and click on Course

Step 2: Choose the course for which you want to copy the registration page URL. Go to General Pages

Step 3: On the Registration Page section, click the Copy to Clipboard icon 

3. Update the Thank You Page Button:

Paste the copied link into the button you created on your thank you page.

Once students click the button and complete their registration, they will be able to sign in to the course.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth registration process for your students.

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