How To Reorder Website Pages In Lime Funnels

Reordering pages in LimeFunnels helps you organize your website and makes frequently edited pages, like your homepage, easier to access.

Step 1: On your Lime Funnels dashboard and go to Website.

Here, you'll see a list of all your website pages.

Step 2: Click the dropdown arrow next to the page you want to reorder.

Step 3: In the Settings tab, look for the Page Order option

The number in the Page Order determines where the page appears in the list.

  • Setting the number to "0" makes the page appear first. If multiple pages have the same order number, they will be sorted by publication date or alphabetically.

  • Changing the value of any page to “1” moves it down the list,

    placing it after any pages with the “0” value.

This feature allows you to organize your pages in the order you prefer.

Step 4: After making changes, click the Save Changes button to apply the new order.

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