How To Integrate Your Autoresponder Optin Form

Integrating an Autoresponder is quite easy and you only need to do it once and the system will remember that settings.

Step 1: Select the page you want to add the autoresponder to

Step 2: Edit your Optin Form Settings (or add a new Optin Form Module)

Step 3: Select the service you'd like to use

From the drop-down you'll need to select your autoresponder service, the account drop-down will also allow you to add a new account or use an existing account if you already have an account setup.

Step 4: Fill out the service details provided by your autoresponder and click connect

You'll now need to provide your autoresponder details to allow us to link to them.

Account Name

This can be any name you can easily identify (important if you have multiple accounts using the same autoresponder)

Authorization Code

This will be provided by your autoresponder

Step 6: You'll now be presented with options applicable to your Autoresponder

You'll have options to choose such as Type, Lists, and Tags.

These are options that you'll set up so that any leads being placed into your autoresponder are set into the right section with the right tags to send out emails.

Click Save once you are done and your autoresponder is now set up, each of your leads will now send over to your autoresponder.

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