Configuring Your General Site Settings

Your General Site Settings are important for showing your visitors, leads and customers that you are a serious business owner. These settings include things like your site's name and identity, along with branding of any outgoing emails from the system.

General Settings Tab

From your LimeFunnels Dashboard left-hand menu, click on Settings -> General Settings

  • Type in the name of your site. This is the title that will show up in a visitor's history and when someone hovers over the tab in your browser.
  • Type in a short description of your business and what visitors can expect to learn.
  • Verify that your Administration email is correct.

Adding a Site Icon

The site icon shows up on the desktop tabs of your pages. In order to change the Site Icon, do the following:

From your LimeFunnels Dashboard left-hand menu, click on Appearance -> Global Design -> Site Identity

From there, you can click "Browse" and select from your current media or choose to Upload a new image file.

How to Change Site Title

Step 1: LimeDropFunnels Dashboard > Settings > General

Step 2: Input your Site Title and Tagline

Step 3: Then click Save Changes

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